Friday, March 13, 2009

The Trout, The Hedgehog and The Fox

When I watched the Trout performed by these gods and the goddess, I suddenly was reminded of the concept of The Hedgehog and The Fox.

To put it in a more fashionable terms, it is the 10000 hour rule hedgehog.

When I look back on myself, I always want to be a fox. Trying to know as many thing as possible superficially without in depth understanding.

I understand by doing this, I would never be successful in anything and more importantly, be able to achieve the state of flow, an important source of happiness.

And also, it will come easily to desensitization.

But, life is too short to be a hedgehog for me.
And I could not live twice.

So be it. Let this self constructed and deceptive excuse roots in me for a longer time.

But, deep down in heart, like many other, I am a fox who wants to be hedgehog.

ps: only immortals can be both a hedgehog and a fox at the same time..

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