Friday, June 5, 2009


I added 永遠站在雞蛋的那方 to my msn personal message two days ago, and thus this msn history.

O 雞蛋?好咩? ^o)
O 我知道呀
A i see.
O 不過.... 我咁睇:覺得明知老虎會咬人重走去撩老虎果D人
A Then you need to ask what is the motive to 撩老虎
O 係其一,其二單單呢句野黎講有D語病(撇開果件事而言)如果雞蛋錯都stand by it呢個邏輯好有問題。
A did you read the whole speech?
O actually i always think they should 直接打老虎 rather than 撩老虎. just like the 辛亥革命。
O i read it, i knew the point of the article. i can understand the emotional side of it cos i'm a sentimental person; but of my dual personality, the logic is flaw n doesn't make sense
O i'd give my FULL support in a military revolution against a tyranny n peaceful demonstration against a democratic society but not the other way round. just my personal view.
A your view should be in line with the egg view.
O hm... i read the article again n some more new thoughts
A 雞蛋錯都stand by it. that is your point, right?
O hm.... .... i'd say only under certain circumstances i'd do that... but not without doubt
O e.g. 1. some uses the egg metaphor in June 4 incident, n as i said earlier, i'd fully support a coup rather than a demo against tyranny; e.g. 2 in reference to Gaza issues (more complicated). i've been to israel n saw how the palestine ppl live in isolation. my heart do goes out to the Gaza ppl. however, if u remember the battles of israelite conquering the promised land, for example the battle conquering Jericho, that's no different from a genocide. what do u think about that? israel is geographically surrounded by muslim country which would love to kick them out of the promised land, perhaps, that's something they must do to safeguard their own existence
A i think an egg may turn to a wall and vice versa, and that's may be a safeguard to be on the side of the egg.
A and the egg, even if it is wrong, it is the least damaging.
O :)
A it is not a perfect world. but I guess 永遠站在雞蛋的那方 is a easy and not too bad ethical choice. not to mention additional points he mentioned in the speech.

"Each of us is, more or less, an egg. Each of us is a unique, irreplaceable soul enclosed in a fragile shell. This is true of me, and it is true of each of you. And each of us, to a greater or lesser degree, is confronting a high, solid wall. The wall has a name: it is “The System.”

from Haruki Murakami, Jerusalem Prize Remarks

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